Proficiency tests

EURL-MN PT-2024-01 Vegetable-based food Cd, Pb and Ni (tentative list)

Registration: Mid-April 2024

Deadline for registration:

Shipment of samples: End-May 2024

Sample size: 

Deadline for submission of results: End-June/Early-July 2024



EURL-MN PT-2024-02 Animal-based food (marine) Cd, Pb, As, iAs and Ni (tentative list)

Registration: Mid-April 2024

Deadline for registration: 

Shipment of samples: End-May 2024

Sample size: 

Deadline for submission of results: End-June/Early July 2024



EURL-MN PT-2024-03 Feed Cd, Pb, Hg, As, iAs, Ni and NO2- (tentative list) 

Registration: Early-July 2024

Deadline for registration: 

Shipment of samples: Early-September 2024

Sample size: 

Deadline for submission of results: Mid-October 2024



Various aspects of the proficiency test scheme may from time to time be subcontracted. When subcontracting occurs it is placed with a competent subcontractor and the National Food Institute is responsible to the scheme participants for the subcontractor's work.
27 JULY 2024