Kgs. Lyngby, 26 August 2021
Newsletter no. 3 – Updates on workshop and trainings
Dear NRLs,
We hope everyone has had a nice and relaxing summer holiday, we certainly had.
After getting back from summer holiday, and evaluating the current Covid-19 situation, we have decided to make the workshop a mixed, in-person and virtual workshop. This way we can accommodate the restrictions of traveling some institutes and countries may have. The workshop will still be held on 9-10 November, but at the National Food Institute, DTU, in Lyngby. More information on the workshop and registration will come within next week.
In regards to the trainings. We had originally planned to host two hands on trainings this fall. Due to the current Covid-19 status, we have decided to organise an online inorganic arsenic training on 14 December. The nitrate/nitrite training will be postponed to next year, 2022, with hopes of it being a hands on training. The invitation for the inorganic arsenic training will be sent later this fall.
Please do not hesitate to write to us at if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Jens J. Sloth
Director of EURL-MN